2010年11月15日 星期一


Group 4:

"A master narrative is a framework that purports to explain society, if not the world, in comprehensive terms. Religion, science, Marxism, psychoanalysis, Enlightenment myths of progress, and other theories that each set out to explain all facets of life are master theories or master narratives."

Lady GAGA with her modern style

Lady gaga wore a “meat dress” on MTV video Awards in 2010. “Fears that human will be treated as meat, which has no rights in the eyes of the law” Lady gaga said. Most of her modern style is not really acceptable for some people in the common society although it may become one kinds of subculture.

In the past, most of the people will not accept this kind of modern style; however, people have changed their ethic rules because influence from media. We honestly, do appreciate her sense of creativity, but this meat dress has taken it to a whole new level. She isn’t standing up for animals rights at all. PETA, an animal rights activist group doesn’t do this kind of thing to support animal rights, they do go to the extreme but they don’t wear suits of animals to show people what animals are goingthrough or wear human skin for human rights. Humans have plenty of rights that are why we are taking animal rights away so Gaga can shove it. Just like us against people wear mink coat, because it is endanger animal.

Forrest Gump was a successful critique master narrative movie that was directed by Robert Zemeckis in 1996, starring Tom Hanks, Gray Sinise and Robin Wright Penn. The story basing on America history of late 20th century describes several different period of time in Forrest Gump’s life. In the story Gump is counted in a subnormal refused goes to primary school when he was a kid. Although, when he grows up, he is not only a hero in college football team but also is a hero in Vietnam War. As a successful feature, Gump undergoes most of America history events, meeting historical figures, involving popular culture, and attending the ping pang games. An average intelligence person gains most of desire that most people cannot reach; the whole life of Gump as a postmodern critiques conventional concept is dramatic.

