2010年12月14日 星期二

Fina Exam-Jason Guan

Mobile phone surveillance technology-Negative


Cell phone being an essential device have owned by the most of people in postmodern social life. However, cell phone surveillance technology have been using by government, which as a negative issue has been claimed, injurious to the public interest and infringe people’s privacy information are not acceptable.

First of all, by using cell phone tracking technology, the government can easily locate where the cell phone is in real-time. Technically, cell phones communicate with signal towers. When the strength of signal is sent to those phone towers, the location of the cell phone is possibly determined by the technology known Multilateration. The US government uses people’s cell phone to track their physical location without any warrant, which seriously against people’s privacy. From same party’s reports, the US government inspected cell phone user’s location 8 million times in a given year.

Also the government can acquire any private recorded information which you undergone. Two major telecommunications preparations AT&T and Verizon have contrasts with government the government demands them hand over customer’s information. In the past few years, the US government sent more than 140,000 “national security letters” for requiring cell phone records.

Cell phone surveillance technology embodies the concept of panopticism. As the monitor surveillance technology with which we familiar is used in corporations, in the States federal government enforcedly uses cell phone tracking technology to lactate people and monitors information from corporations’ database to keep watch on everyone’s behavior without a warrant. In the postmodern society, people look forward to reach as more freedom as they can. The call phone surveillance technology against this concept is counted as a negative inventive technology. However, most people use cell phone every day for business, relationship, or entertainment. So avoiding tracking is nearly impossible. Cell phone is very widespread in postmodern life.

